Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cancer Prevention: Tobacco, Alcohol, Diet, Heredity

Cancer Prevention
~ Part I ~

Knowing how to prevent cancer (along with early detection and treatment) is important because it really can save lives and reduce suffering from cancer. Cancer causes one in every seven deaths, worldwide. It is more than HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. Fortunately, about half of cancer cases can be prevented by the current evidence based guidelines.There are three type of cancer prevention: primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
* Primary prevention refers to avoiding or eliminating cancer causing substances. The goal is to prevent the cancer before it begins in the first place. Example: avoid smoking, vaccination against cancer causing viruses, and elimination of carcinogens in the workplace. Primary prevention is only possible when the cause of cancer is known.
* Secondary prevention refers to early detection and screening. The goal is to detect premalignant cells before they become cancerous or early stage cancer. Example: PAP smears test for cervical cancer, mammography for breast cancer, or colonoscopy for colorectal cancer.
* Tertiary prevention refers to the treatment of cancer patients. The goal is to prevent premature death and to maintain quality of life.

The burden of cancer is great, but it can be prevented. Effort to reduce the burden of cancer happens on two levels: personal level, and national and community levels. In the personal level, we as an individual can try to do things that lower our risk of developing certain cancers.
Here are several factors we should know to reduce our risk:
1. Tobacco and cancer
It is clear that tobacco is the world’s leading cause of cancer and cancer related deaths. Cigarettes are designed to deliver nicotine, powerful drugs that stimulate pleasure sensors in the brain. It increases mood in a positive way, it eases anxiety and makes people feel less depressed. However, these positive affects are offset significantly by all the harm in tobacco. When people smoke, they take in more than just nicotine. That smoke is a mix of thousands of compounds, including more than 70 chemicals that are known as possible human carcinogens. Smoking increases a risk of a lung cancer on average 5-10 fold (many recent studies show as much as 20 fold or higher). Men who smoke have a 27 times higher rate of oral carcinoma than nonsmokers. In addition, smoking raises a person’s risk of other cancers. As those carcinogens get to the lungs, they go into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body. Thus, smoking also causes the cancer of larynx, the voice box, the oral cavity, the esophagus, the stomach, the pancreas, the bladder, the kidney, the liver, the cervix, also colorectal cancer and some leukemias.
Quitting tobacco at any age is a big benefit. Even if you are a cancer patient or you have some other terminal illness.

2. Alcohol and cancer
Based on many research studies, there is a strong link between alcohol drinking and several types of cancer. People who drink about two drinks or more per day, have at least two or three times greates risk of developing head and neck cancer, especially the lips, oral cavity, throat, larynk, compare to the nondrinkers. Moreover, the risk of these cancers is still greater among those who consume alcohol and also use tobacco. They work together to cause you more harm because alcohol itself incrases the absorption of tobacco carcinogens by the body. People who inherit a deficiency in an enzyme that metabolizes alcohol, also have a higher risk of alcohol-related esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Alcohol consumption is also a cause of liver cancer, correlate with a modest increase in colorectal cancer, and is a clearly established cause of breast cancer in women. One study in United Kingdom, called the Million women’s study found that a drink per day produces about a 12% risk for breast cancer, which means for each drink you have an additional 12% chance of getting breast cancer. There is some evidence suggesting that some alcoholic beverages also reduce the risk of heart disease, try to balance that possible protected effect of alcohol against the increased risk of cancers. If you drink, drink in moderation and be aware of your risks.

3. Diet and cancer
Although each individual may have unique health issues regarding diet and nutritions, some recommendatios are made by the Public health guidelines (meaning that recommendations regarding diet and nutrition are appropriate for entire populations). It is clear that one of the keys to orchestrating the anti-cancer diet is the principle of focusing upon a plant-based diet. Consume a diverse array of fruits, vegetables, and legumes along with whole grains each day should be your basic foundation. Diet rich in lipids, particularly saturated fats are often associated with the risk of several cancers and may promote cardiovascular diseases. Saturated fats typically come from animal foods (briefly: meats). Studies do suggest that populations consuming large amount of red meats experience cancers such as breast, prostate, and colon cancers. Also, excessive salt intake may have health risks for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, as well as some cancers. One of the most common questions regards what dietary supplements to consume to prevent cancer. The well-done studies on dietary supplements and cancer risks have does far been unimpressive. At the present time, a multivitamin and mineral supplement that meets the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) will likely post little health risk, but potential benefits for cancer reduction still have not been established.

4. Heredity and cancers
Cancer is a genetic disease, but not all cancers are hereditary. Genetic disease means that cancer is a disease of the genes, caused by changes (known as mutations) that occur in the genes of the body during human’s lifetime. Hereditary cancer refers to gene mutations that are passed from one generation to another, increasing an individual’s risk of developing particular kinds of cancer. The individual does not inherit a cancer, but they inherit a gene mutation that increases the risk that they will develop a certain kind of cancer sometime during his or her life. There are four red flags that signal the possibility that a cancer-related gene mutation might run in the family.
* First, if the cancers are diagnosed at an early age, usually younger than 50 years old.
* Second, there are multiple cases of cancers on the same side of the family
* Third, if an individual has developed multiple cancers themselves, or cancers on both sides of their body, for example bilateral breast cancer.
* Fourth, if the cancers are rare. When individuals develop rare tumors, it is more likely that they might be hereditary.
The family members most at risk of carrying cancer-related gene are first and second degree-relatives. First degree relatives are those who share half of your genes (mother, father, sister, borther, and children). Second degree relatives are those who share a quarter of your gene (half siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandparents, and grandchildren).

The risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer in women is much greater for both men and women who inherit a harmful mutation in one or both of genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2. These mutations can be inherited from either your mother or father. In the general population, only 1.4% of women will develop ovarian cancer during their lifetime; however, women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, the risk is significantly increased between 11 to 39%. Also they have 65% lifetime risk for breast cancer, significantly higher than 12% lifetime risk in the general public. Men with BRCA2 mutations also have a higher risk of breast and prostate cancer. Another example of an inherited gene mutations that led to cancer is Lynch syndrome. A person is said to have Lynch syndrome if they have a mutation in one of four genes called MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, or PMS2. If they have this mutation, they are in 100% lifetime risk of cancers. They are prone for developing colorectal cancer, followed by uterine, ovarian, and gastric cancer. All are usually diagnosed before age 50. People with Lynch syndrome need close cancer surveillance and do annual colonoscopy starting at age 25.

It is important to identify people who carry cancer-related gene mutations because it allows family members to seek counseling and testing. Genetic counseling can help explain the meaning of the findings and what cancer prevention options are recommended. This will allow all family members to undergo predictive testing, so those of the highest risk of cancer can benefit from intensive cancer surveillance and prevention options. Ultimately, this can save lives.

Summary from the lecture “Introduction to the Science of Cancer” – The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center-James

Salam sehat,

Kathryn - Tokyo

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cancer Development and Targeted Cancer Therapy

Cancer Development and Targeted Cancer Therapy

Belum lama ini di facebook ikutan komentar tentang cerita mayat yang dipakai praktik anatomi anak kedokteran, berlanjut jadi menyinggung “unspoken stories” saat belajar anatomi atau forensik dulu. Saya juga jadi teringat pengalaman dan cerita aneh aneh saat tugas di RS, dari AC yang mati hidup sendiri pas lagi istirahat jaga malam atau kisah residen forensik yang katanya ditelpon langsung sama “pasiennya” membantu memberikan petunjuk supaya mudah diindentifikasi. Artikel ini berniat membicarakan hantu juga, tapi bukan hantu gentayangan di RS melainkan tentang “hantu” yang menurut saya masih jadi momok penyakit paling menakutkan di dunia medis.

Kali ini sedikit cerita tentang “kanker”, si hantu paling menakutkan di dunia kedokteran. Saya yakin hampir semua orang pasti tidak mau ketemu atau berurusan dengan hantu yang satu ini. Tidak hanya pasiennya lho, dokternyapun stress kalau ketemu hantu yang satu ini. Bayangkan… setelah melalui serangkaian pemeriksaan panjang, saat pasien harus menunggu dengan perasaan galau tidak jelas, pas ketemu dokternya bukannya lega yang didapat …justru sebaliknya, si dokter malah jadi seperti malaikat pembawa vonis mati. Saya pernah membantu jadi penterjemah untuk pasien kanker dari Indonesia. Pasien datang ke Jepang dengan harapan bisa dioperasi angkat tumornya, apalagi kondisi kesehatan keseluruhan juga masih baik. Tapi setelah melalui berbagai pemeriksaan yang lebih detil di sini, ternyata ditemukan sudah ada (mikro) metastasis, yang berarti sudah ada titik titik penyebaran tumor meski belum kelihatan gejalanya. Hal ini mengindikasikan stadium tumor sudah lanjut sehingga dokter di Jepang akhirnya memutuskan kalau tindakan operasi tidak efektif dan sebaliknya pasien pulang ke Indonesia untuk menjalani chemotherapy. Saat menjelaskan ke pasien, dokternya kelihatan hati hati sekali memilih kata kata yang baik untuk tidak membuat pasien “down” seketika. Saat itu saya juga sempat bingung, tidak tahu harus ngomong terjemahin apa ke pasiennnya. Cukup lama juga saat itu saya berusaha cari padanan kata kata yang tepat, tidak bohong tapi juga tidak “membunuh” seketika harapan pasien.

Sebenarnya bagaimana sih terjadinya kanker?  
Sementara ini ada dua konsep dasar tentang terjadinya kanker, konsep klasik (classical stochastic model) dan konsep hirarki stem cell (cancer stem cell model). Pada model klasik, setiap sel di tubuh dianggap punya kemampuan/potensi untuk berubah menjadi sel kanker. Sebaliknya, pada konsep model stem cell, hanya populasi sel tertentu yang punya potensi untuk berubah jadi sel kanker. Kumpulan populasi sel khusus yang bisa berubah ganas inilah yang sering disebut cancer stem cells (CSCs) atau “tumor-initiating cells” Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa dilihat di gambar. Selanjutnya kedua konsep ini juga berkembang dan bisa dikombinasi satu sama lain, ada “dynamic stemness model” atau “combination of CSC and stochastic model”. Faktor lingkungan di sekitar sel (niche factors) seperti adanya inflamasi, hypoxia, virus, dan sebagainya disinyalir bisa menginduksi perubahan sel biasa menjadi sel dengan kemampuan stem cell (stemness acquired) dan berubah menjadi CSCs.

Apa implikasi dari konsep terjadinya kanker tersebut?
Implikasi utamanya ke pengobatan kanker. Tentu semua sudah tahu pengobatan konvensional untuk tumor seperti chemotherapy dan radiotherapy sering bermasalah karena tidak hanya membunuh sel kankernya tapi juga seluruh sel sel tubuh lain yang sebenarnya masih sehat. Selain itu kemungkinan kanker relapse atau muncul kembali setelah pengobatan selesai juga cukup tinggi. Hal ini diduga karena adanya CSCs yang biasanya punya kemampuan self-renewal yang tinggi, dan lebih resisten terhadap pengobatan konvensional sehingga memicu kembali tumbuhnya sel kanker. Populasi CSCs inilah yang menjadi sasaran target riset kanker belakangan ini (CSCs targeted therapy). Berdasarkan riset, CSCs memiliki karakteristik khusus yang bisa dijadikan petunjuk untuk mendeteksi langsung keberadaan populasi CSCs tersebut sehingga mudah dijadikan target pengobatan. Saat ini banyak hasil penelitian in vitro (laboratorium) menunjukkan hasil yang cukup menjanjikan. Semoga saja bisa ada hasil signifikan yang bisa segera diaplikasikan ke tahap klinis.

Apa perkembangan pengobatan kanker saat ini?
Saat ini salah satu strategi pengobatan adalah berusaha untuk merusak kondisi optimal yang dibutuhkan oleh sel kanker dan atau populasi CSCs untuk berkembang (attack the CSCs niche). Mekanisme molecular yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan sel kanker, seperti supplai makanan dari darah, growth factor, dan sebagainya berusaha dihambat sehingga menginduksi kematian sel kanker (apoptosis). Mekanisme molekular yang terlibat dalam pembentukan kanker biasanya spesifik berdasarkan jenis organ yang terkena sehingga pengobatan juga bisa lebih spesifik dan lebih tepat guna (signaling pathway/molecular-targeted therapy).  

Dari strategi tepat guna ini ada beberapa obat kanker yang sudah lahir dan memberikan respon yang positif. Diantaranya:
* Imatinib (Gleevec) menjadi “first line treatment” untuk chronic myelogeneous leukemia (CML) pada anak anak dan dan dewasa. Imatinib juga dipakai dalam pengobatan gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). Obat ini berupa tablet minum oral sehingga pasien tidak perlu tinggal di RS dan bisa tetap menjalankan aktivitas sehari hari. Sang penemu Imatinib, Dr Brian Druker, dianugerahi Keio Medial Science Prize (2007), Lasker Award (2009), dan Japan Prize (2012). Saya sempat menghadiri lecture dari Dr Brian sewaktu beliau datang untuk menerima penghargaan Keio Prize.

* Trantuzumab (Herceptin) untuk pengobatan kanker payudara. Di kanker payudara ditemukan ekspresi berlebihan dari protein yang menstimulasi pertumbuhan sel, dikenal dengan nama HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2). Kanker payudara dengan HER2 positif biasanya prognosisnya buruk. Salah satu mekanisme kerja herceptin dengan cara menstimulasi sel imun menuju tempat dimana banyak terdapat HER2 positif sel kanker sehingga sel kanker bisa dibunuh. Herceptin dikatakan secara signifikan memperbaiki prognosis pasien kanker payudara.

* Gefitinib (Iressa) dan erlotinib untuk kanker paru paru jenis non-small cell (NSCLC), tipe sel yang umum ditemukan di kanker paru paru. Gefitinib bekerja sebagai selektif inhibitor dari protein yang berfungsi sebagai stimulator pertumbuhan sel (EGFR inhibitor). Gefitinib diberikan dalam bentuk obat oral.

* Sorafenib (Nexavar) untuk kanker ginjal (renal cell carcinoma, RCC) dan kanker hati (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC). Sorafenib bekerja sebagai inhibitor yang menghambat sinyal mekanisme kerja protein untuk proliferasi sel dan pertumbuhan pembuluh darah baru (multikinase inhibitor). Hal ini bisa mengakibatkan terhambatnya perkembangan dan penyebaran sel kanker. Saat ini sorafenib menjadi “first line drug treatment” untuk diberikan pada pasien kanker hati yang tidak memenuhi kriteria untuk menjalani operasi (surgical resection or liver transplantation). Sorafenib hadir dalam bentuk tablet minum 200 mg.
Meski obat obat di atas memberikan harapan baru untuk penderita kanker, masih banyak riset lanjutan yang dibutuhkan untuk mencari alternatif pengobatan lain yang tidak hanya lebih terjangkau harganya, tetapi juga lebih efektif dan potent mengatasi sel kanker.  

Belakangan kanker banyak ditemukan pada pasien usia muda. Di luar faktor genetik keluarga, perubahan gaya hidup modern juga disinyalir menjadi salah satu pemicu timbulnya kanker di usia muda. Konsumsi alkohol merupakan salah satu faktor kuat yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya kanker hati, kanker esophagus, kanker di daerah kepala dan leher (termasuk lidah, faring, pita suara). Di dalam hati senyawa etanol dalam alkohol akan diubah menjadi senyawa lain yang bersifat toxic. Senyawa toxic ini akan mengaktivasi, menarik protein lain yang berhubungan dengan inflamasi dan lambat laun mengganggu mekanisme kerja normal dari protein protein tersebut. Akhirnya terjadi kerusakan organ dan risiko timbulnya kanker hati juga meningkat.

(figure: diffuse type liver cancer)
Sayangnya, banyak anak muda zaman sekarang yang merasa kalau bisa menikmati minuman beralkohol akan meningkatkan gengsi, dan lebih gaul katanya. Padahal kelak nanti mereka berkeluarga, saat punya anak masih kecil, saat kehadiran mereka dibutuhkan oleh keluarganya justru saat itulah mereka harus menuai akibat dari konsumsi alkohol berlebihan. Saya pribadi menghormati pilihan tiap orang, terserah masing masing individu. Tapi saya berharap mereka yang masih muda bisa memilih dilandasi pengetahuan yang benar, bukan asal demi gengsi pergaulan semata.

It is health that is real wealth ~ Mahatma Gandhi
“May all of us enjoy the blessing of health”

Salam sehat,
Kathryn - Tokyo

  1. Complexity of cancer stem cell; Eiji Sugihara and Hideyuki Saya (Int.J.Cancer 2012)
  2. Imatinib:
  3. Trastuzumab:
  4. Gefitinib:
  5. Sorafenib:
  6. Alcohol and cancer:
  1. Classification of Primary Liver Cancer (Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan)